Dental Crowns

BEDFORD Dental Group


Dental Crowns
Beverly Hills

Dental Crowns Los Angeles

Dental crowns can take your smile from pauper-like to princely. When placed right, they can restore shape, size, and strength while significantly improving appearance. At Bedford Dental Group, our Beverly Hills cosmetic dentists can help you feel confident your damaged teeth will be beautiful again.

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How Do Dental
Crowns Work?

As a form of cosmetic dentistry, dental crowns fully encapsulate the tooth. This complete coverage is key to the success of the procedure. A properly placed crown visibly covers areas from the gum line and above, providing an aesthetic mask and practical protection for cracked or near-broken teeth.

Benefits Of Dental Crowns

Due to their supreme function, dental crowns can correct many unpleasant dental situations. Their use includes, but is not limited to:

  • Protecting a weak tooth from breaking (or keeping a cracked tooth from breaking down altogether)
  • Reconditioning a tooth that may already be broken
  • Or simply covering a tooth that is discolored or unsightly due to decay or other factors

Dental crowns come in a variety of materials, and you can choose between temporary or permanent options. Each type of crown comes with its unique benefits and advantages.


“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

stock image of dental bonding


Types Of Dental Crowns

Porcelain crowns usually are best for aesthetic purposes. But their limitation is that they may not be as strong or durable. Gold crowns, or all-metal crowns, can be molded for a precise and pristine fit. And they won’t chip even under the heaviest of biting.

For the best of both worlds, our dental crowns dentist in Beverly Hills can provide a unique option. We can fashion a porcelain window combining the durability of an all-metal crown as the base, together with a great look via porcelain siding that is fashioned on the visible area of the tooth.

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“The best Dentist in Beverly Hills! His staff is friendly, courteous, and professional! Dr Naysan has been my dentist for years! Have one of the best smiles in LA because of him!”

Mara M

Dental Crowns Step-By-Step

Below is a sample process from step one to complete restoration.

Dental Crowns before and after images

Step 1
A heavily restored tooth with lots of fillings may become quite weak and take on an unsightly look.

Dental Crowns before and after images

Step 2
The tooth is prepared with a drill. Specifically, we remove the surface layer (approximately 1 to 2 millimeters) all around the tooth.

Dental Crowns before and after images

Step 3
When done right, this creates a solid core with all the weak areas removed.

Dental Crowns before and after images

Step 4
A full porcelain crown that looks just like a natural tooth can then be placed on top of the prepared core. It replaces the removed structure completely. And since it is one solid piece cemented to the tooth, it provides additional strength for the tooth. Of course, it also makes it look much better!

Step 5
Enjoy your smile! The porcelain crown should prove indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

What Can I Expect During The Dental Crown Process?

The entire process of getting dental crowns will take about two dental visits. We tend to space the trips out about two weeks apart to make time for each step to be complete.


BEDFORD Dental Group

The First Visit

Part one of your procedure starts with getting the tooth ready. We trim away the tooth so it becomes the optimal size and shape for receiving a crown. During this time, we also make sure we get rid of any decay!

We then take an impression of your tooth to truly capture its unique shape. This allows for creating a crown that is a perfect match with a natural look to it. A crown meant for your smile and your smile alone!

Of course, we don’t want you leaving the office with an exposed shaved tooth! As such we fit your tooth with a temporary crown to keep it safe and comfortable until your replacement is ready. You will wear this until your permanent crown has been fabricated and is ready to go.

The Second Visit

Like the initial stages, it is quite painless. Our goal is for you to be comfortable at every step of the process, so numbing is always an option. However, most patients find it pain-free even without numbing or anesthetic. We first let you try on your new permanent crown to get a good feel for it. Both you and your dentist can evaluate the fit and look before permanently attaching it to your tooth. If you don’t like the look, be sure to let us know and we can make the needed changes!

Remember, this is your smile, so you get to make the calls. If you have any hesitation about how it looks or feels, we will work with you to develop a solution. Once everything is agreed upon, your crown is cemented in place, covering all evidence that you ever had a problem tooth to begin with.

Get started on restoring your smile today by scheduling a consultation. We ensure every patient gets the VIP treatment and feels like a celebrity at every step. Call us today to learn more about our procedures and take the first step toward achieving a bright, confident smile.

Bedford Dental Group provides natural-looking, fully functional restorations to patients of every stripe. Each patient is treated like a celebrity, given expert time and detailed attention to ensure their new and improved smile will look fantastic for years to come. Our patients enjoy a lifetime with their improved, healthier smiles at a reasonable price.

“Because of your smile,
you make life more beautiful”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Dr. Daniel Naysan DDS

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Tue: 8:00am – 5:00pm
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Fri: 8:00am – 5:00pm
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